Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms of use carefully. These Terms & Conditions of Use apply to any websites, mobile apps, or online or mobile-enabled technology or digital tools (collectively, our “Online Services”) that display or link to these terms. My Ayur Health is referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use as “My Ayur” “Ayur Health”’ “we,” “us” or “our.” THE ONLINE SERVICES ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. By accessing or using the Online Services, you agree that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions of Use, as amended from time to time. All amendments and updates to these Terms & Conditions of Use are effective immediately upon notice, which we may give by any means, including but not limited to posting notice of the revision on the Online Services homepage. If you do not wish to agree to these Terms & Conditions of Use, do not access or use any part of the Online Services.
My Ayur Health reserves the right to take whatever lawful actions it may deem appropriate in response to actual or suspected violation of these Terms & Conditions of Use, including without limitation, suspending or terminating any account you have created on this Online Services.

Intellectual Property

All trademarks, logos, designs, slogans and trade dress appearing on the Online Services, whether or not appearing in large print, italics or with the trademark symbol, are owned by My Ayur Health or their affiliate companies or service providers, or are used under license. No right or license is granted, by implication or otherwise, to use any trademark, service mark or logo displayed on the Online Services or any other intellectual property rights of My Ayur Health or any third party. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or use the content of the Online Services for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio or video, without the written permission of My Ayur Health. You should assume that everything you see or read on the Online Services is copyrighted unless otherwise noted and may not be used, except as provided in the Terms & Conditions of Use or in the text on the Online Services, without the written permission of My Ayur Health.
My Ayur Health neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Online Services will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by, or affiliated with, My Ayur Health.

No Medical Advice, Disclaimer, No Warranty

The information that you obtain from the Online Services is provided for informational purposes only. The Online Services are not intended to offer medical advice from My Ayur Health. The Online Services may provide you with information or facilitate your communication with a health care provider, but are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a health care provider. Call your health care provider immediately if you think you have a medical emergency. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider prior to starting any new treatment, or if you have any questions regarding symptoms or a medical condition. The online services and the information available through the online services is provided “as is” and “as available,” without any warranty or guaranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
My Ayur Health, its affiliates and service providers are neither responsible nor liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages arising out of or relating in any way to the online services, and/or content or information contained within online services.

Refund & Cancellation

Kindly contact our office or mail us your refund request for us to consider the application. Patients applying for the refund on cancellation shall produce the proof of application, proof of payment and give the bank details on which refund should be processed. On further investigation of the consultation status and payment status, refund if approved, shall be processed within 7 working days. We do not offer refund on the purchase of medicines or services.


My Ayur Health’s use of your personal information and your responsibilities in connection with protecting your privacy are described in the My Ayur Health’s Privacy Statement, that has been incorporated by reference into these Terms & Conditions of Use.

Vaidya (Doctor) Information

You may be able to access Vaidya’s (Doctor’s) information from the Online Services. However, though My Ayur Health has acquired the information concerning physicians (including their credentials and specialty) from sources believed to be reliable and accurate, My Ayur Health provides no guarantee or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of that information.

Third-party links

Occasionally, at our discretion, My Ayur Health may include or offer third party products or services on or linked to our Online Services and these third party sites have their independent privacy policies. My Ayur Health therefore has no responsibility or liability for the content, products, services and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

Updates to your devices

If you are using downloadable applications of My Ayur Health, updates to your device’s systems or firmware may render your use of the applications incompatible. We do not warrant that the Online Services will be compatible with any updates to, or prior versions of, your devices. My Ayur Health may, but is not obligated to, provide you with updates to the Site or applications that improve compatibility with updated mobile devices.

Data Charges

To the extent that your use of the Online Services or any My Ayur Health application requires, or permits utilization of, wireless, cellular data or internet access, you are independently responsible for securing the necessary data access service. For example, with respect to your mobile devices, the provider of your data plans may charge you data access fees in connection with your use of the Online Services and My Ayur Health’s applications. My Ayur Health will not be held responsible for the same and you are solely responsible for all such charges payable to third parties.

Software and Downloads

If My Ayur Health permits you to download or otherwise access such Online Services, the Online Services (including any data or images incorporated in or generated by the Online Services’ software) is licensed to you. You do not receive title to this software, and you may not distribute or use the software other than for the purpose of using the applicable feature or service of the Online Services as offered by My Ayur Health. You may not modify, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of such software. Except as expressly provided, you may not create any derivative works of the software or any services available on the Online Services. This license is revocable at any time without notice and with or without cause. You agree to destroy or return to My Ayur Health all copies of the software upon revocation of your license to the software and/or termination of your access to the Online Services. The software is subject to all restrictions on use, disclaimers of warranties and other provisions in these Terms & Conditions of Use. In the event that the software is also subject to a separate end user license agreement, the terms of such end user license agreement shall control any conflict between those terms and these Terms & Conditions of Use.

Access and Interference

You agree that you will not (i) use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Online Services, (ii) use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on this site or for any other unauthorized purpose without the prior written consent of My Ayur Health, (iii) use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Online Services, (iv) attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Online Services, (v) take any action that imposes unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the My Ayur Health’s infrastructure, or (vi) access, reload or “refresh” transactional pages, or make any other request to transactional servers, more than once during any three (3) second interval. You agree that you will not use the Online Services in connection with criminal or civil violations of applicable provincial, state, federal or international laws, regulations or other government requirements, including theft or infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other types of intellectual property; fraud; forgery, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Online Services, (iv) attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Online Services, (v) take any action that imposes unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the My Ayur Health’s infrastructure, or (vi) access, reload or “refresh” transactional pages, or make any other request to transactional servers, more than once during any three (3) second interval. You agree that you will not use the Online Services in connection with criminal or civil violations of applicable provincial, state, federal or international laws, regulations or other government requirements, including theft or infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other types of intellectual property; fraud; forgery, theft or misappropriation of funds, credit cards or personal information; and threats of physical harm or harassment. Sending spam or other duplicative or unsolicited messages is an unacceptable use of the Online Services.
You also agree that you will not use the Online Services: (i) to transmit materials of a threatening nature, including threats of death or physical harm, harassment, libel or defamation, or (ii) for the distribution of offensive materials, including obscene, indecent and hateful materials. You agree that you will not use (or attempt to use) the Online Services to violate the security of a network, service or other system. Examples of prohibited activities include hacking, cracking into, monitoring or using systems without authorization; scanning ports; conducting denial of service attacks; and distributing viruses or other harmful software.

Comments and Submissions

My Ayur Health welcomes your comments. All comments, suggestions or other information sent by you to My Ayur Health or its advertisers or business partners (if any) in response to solicitations on the Online Services become My Ayur Health’ property and you agree that all intellectual property rights therein are transferred to My Ayur Health. For avoidance of doubt, My Ayur Health shall own any developments made by, or on behalf of, My Ayur Health arising out of your comments, suggestions or other submissions. To the extent My Ayur Health does not own such materials, you grant and agree to grant My Ayur Health, a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to utilize, create derivative works of, distribute and sub-license such materials for any purpose in connection with My Ayur Health’s websites, products and services. You have no expectation of any review, compensation or consideration for any submission hereunder. Only an authorized person from the hospital, that will be notified time to time, will be authorized to respond to any third party queries about website or related matters.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless My Ayur Health and its shareholders, partners, affiliates, directors, officers, subsidiaries, employees, agents, suppliers, third party information providers, licensors, licensees, distributors, contractors and others involved in the Online Services or the delivery of products, services or information over the Online Services, from and against any and all liabilities, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from any violation by you of these Terms & Conditions of Use or your use of any products, services or information obtained from the Online Services.

Applicable Law

These Terms & Conditions of Use shall be governed in all respects by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Karnataka, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in or near Bengaluru, Karnataka with respect to any action arising in connection with the Online Services.